Does Gymophobics Really Work? Since 2003, more than 250,O00 women of all ages have achieved figure improvement and health benefits at Gymophobics. For many members their results have, quite literally,…
Congratulations, if you’re looking for ways to improve your mental health and wellbeing, our unique exercise circuits are specially designed for women.
We know when you’re struggling with your mental health, getting off the couch is one of the last things you want to think about doing. But, we promise, if you can gather the energy, you’ll begin to understand how it can be a powerful tool in helping you feel like YOU again.
There’s been a whole heap of research into the benefits of fitness on mental health and studies show that it can be helpful in treating mild to moderate depression and anxiety – that’s why the NHS literally prescribes exercise to treat some mental health issues.
Let’s start with a bit of the science
Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins are just some of the chemicals that are responsible for your happiness and wellbeing and it’s thought that endorphins are responsible for the feeling of joy that happens after physical activity.
Studies show that regular exercise directly increases levels of several neurochemicals in the brain, including serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals help regulate emotions and feelings of reward and they may be behind the immediate boost some people feel after working out.
One step at a time
If you’re anxious about exercise, start slowly. Take small steps. We can set you achievable goals. Our Instructors design your personal programme around your goals, where you are right now, and where you want to be. What’s more, our instructors will review your programme every 3 weeks, to ensure that it’s doing the job effectively!
Also, if the commitment worries you, don’t feel like you have to exercise all the time. Just 30 minutes on our 10-station-circuit, 2-3 times a week is all it takes to achieve amazing results.
Home workouts
If you don’t feel up to leaving the house at all, or you’re shielding, there are lots of fitness classes and videos online that you can tune into. Gymophobics’ exercise videos cater for beginners all the way through to experienced members.
If that’s not enough, you can also access our classes and extra workouts for even more information.
Finally, take everything one step at a time and remember you’re in control.
Does Gymophobics Really Work?
Amazing Results – Seannie
Seannie joined Gymophobics Uttoxeter two years ago and had already lost over six stone which was amazing! She had set her mind to eat healthily and take regular exercise. The…
Exciting times! The Gymophobics expansion gathers pace as a lovely new Centre opens in Darwen near Blackburn!